THE SUNSET IN the PORT OF GALLEON and the sunrise in europe
By : Verge Burgos
If Hollywood stars like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise Mariah Carey savor their weekend and vacation at Amanpulo in Palawan-the paradise for the riches’ and elite’s in the world, well I discovered my very own AMANPULO in BOQUETE last Sunday a few hours drive from the White Beach of Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro.
Lavishing a holiday in Amanapulo will cost you a fortune to experience the beauty and winsomeness of living a Life. I realized that being prolific in discovering new places and being personable will get you to glimpse unexplored haven for your summer getaway. Just like in Boquete wherein, I was able to get intimate to the beauty of the beach, the sunset and the postcard-like view of the island.
Beach party is the top of the list for the tourist’s who lured on the island of Galera. Where the yuppies from Manila are addicted to visit the island every long weekend especially those who are working in a call center. Decoyed with their board shorts, Havaianas, henna tattoos, necklace in beads and two-piece bikinis’ for the daring babes.
But for me, I am tired of the parties and clubbin’s at the city so I was not so fascinated with the events at the White Beach Resort last weekend. No longer relaxing but pressuring and squeezing for me. R and B and Hip-Hops, party crowd, smokes from the yosi addicts. Give me a break. I need a space!
Thanks to Jill Pineda, my officemate who snared us from MIAMI beach like resort. We headed to the terminal station of tricycles to rush to the place where BOQUETE is located. Looking back at the WHITE BEACH: nothing can beat the good experience that we enjoyed there for 3 days and 2 nights anyway. The best of MINDORO sling-a mix of mango nectar, rhum and sweetened syrup. Perfect delight for the bar-goer’s of Gallera. Plus, the lovely gays perfoming COYOTE ugly in every table.
The French-nationals, Claudio and Dennis who offered me a beer and the nice conversation although they had difficulty understanding the phrase “Are you having fun?” but when I said “ Happy”. Claudio replied immediately “Yes, happy…happy!”. From Austria: Marcus who’s an executive of MOTOROLA at Makati discussed with me his website and the Christmas present he got from his mom : a watch from ROLEX- Whoa!
…As we go near to the BOQUETE islands that Sunday afternoon, we passed through the mountains and hills similar to the roads going to Lumbang Este and Weste of Cajidiocan Romblon. The houses built were like photo-copied from the houses in barrio’s of Cajidiocan.
I was bewildered with the road covered with sea’s both sides. This road is not visible during high-tide. Instead, It looks like a separate island-in there, you will find BOQUETE near the adjacent Villa and Resort. The long road directing to the SAND Bar Villa with a magnificent landscape accentuated with the Tropical style and sophisticated Resort. In the villa, has the cool place for the guest, huge-smimming pool, recreating area (filled with students in a Music Class from Korea. Sports center for tennis, basketball and other games (Caucassians filled the area on their ADIDAS and Nike Apparel.
Uncle Rob and Filipina wife Luningning welcomed us with a cold soda in their garden facing the sea. Mediterranean landscape covered with Bermuda grass, an elegant white beach umbrella and a TENT for their son George- a 7 year old son of them who is hosting a camping at their front yard during weekend. Inside their house is a Country-style home accentuated with an Australian Interiors mixed with the native home equipments.
Angela Tripp, a 10 year old half Aussie-Filipina and a friend of Uncle Rob walked us in the shore facing the clear-blue sea filled with jet-ski’s, yachts and boats owned by the warm European residence of Boquete. This is also the place where the kids of the foreigners gathered after their Tennis game from the Club house inside the SAND-Bar Villa.
Until we realized that it was almost getting dark. The beautiful sunset seduced us to take photographs with her splashing the rays of light to dim and gradually turned into evening. We could not say a word while we are scrutinizing every second of the Sun’s demise. This is the real beauty of LIFE, watching one of the splendid creation of GOD- the SUNSET…

Three Italian girls laid their “batik” in the sand along the refined and white Sand of Boquete. “No Ingles, Italiana!” the greetings they said to us while we are approaching them. Wearing earth-colors two-piece were Rozallba, Donatella and Eugenia all from Venice, Italy. My friends and I had a hard time communicating with them but we met halfway in Spanish language. Until we were on the same tune when we talked about “Valentino”, Dolce and Gabanna, Gianni Versace, CERRUTI, Salvatore Ferragamo, FENDI and other Italian Designers.
Lawrence, the Canadian guy who traded his lighter for a stick of cigarettes from me, spent the wee hours of a substantial conversation regarding his career at Taiwan as an English Teacher. Well-spoken guy who explained to me the meaning of his beautiful-artistic tattoo on his left lower leg crafted from the Aborigines and the art from the classic-era. We met our interests when we talk symbols and faith. Sangrial and the HOLY Grail. “The Da Vince Code” and the “Angles and DEMONS”.
They maintained living a normal life despite of the family crisis. They would still go to school empty handed just a school bags. They also moved to other places and towns finding some of their relatives to support them with their education. In rags it never stopped them in continuing their journey because they know that somewhere along the way a bright future is waiting for them.
Music is their passion. Singing is not just their hobbies but they make money out of joining several “Singing Contests”. At times, they were the underdog and underprivileged of winning in favor of those competitors who came from the buena familias or well-known families in town. Who could never forget the most prestigious “TUKLAS” and Amateur Singing Contest in late 80’s and early 90’s of the Sta. Barbara Parish in Poblacion Cajidiocan Romblon. But they were never discouraged because they knew that they were singing from their hearts and crowd always rooted for them to win.
On their first few years of stay in Germany, life was not a bed of roses. They experienced series of strife, battle, and bleakness. Not to mention the racial discrimination from other Europeans, competition and envy from fellow Filipinos.
“When Papang died, we tried saving money from the small salary we earned in performing here in Germany. The money we sent to him is the fruit of our hard labor here in Europe, only to find out that a portion of it was not received by our family in the Philippines, we were deceived and betrayed by our Band Manager who is also a Filipino whom we trusted the most” Nitz stated.
European crowd applauded them with their best rendition and excellent version of songs. Nitz signature songs are Celine Dion’s “All by Myself”, I am Alive, Power of Love, and her FINALE “To Love You More”. Not to mention, her most acclaimed arreglo of Shirley Bassey’s “Diamond’s are Forever”, This is My Life, The Greatest Performance, and Goldfinger.
Popol on the other hand changed her style from Mariah Carey to Mary J Blige –the QUEEN of HIP HOP and SOUL and Grammy’s Six Time Award Winner for American R and B. With Popol’s version Europe vowed her singing interpretations in ”Family Affair, Love and Life, No More Drama, My Life and The Breakthrough”.

SUNRISE in EUROPE-means a new day, first flush of the morning. A symbol for the people who aimed for a greener pasture in life. Amidst struggle and roughhouse these three young women left the Philippines in March of 1997 with a suitcase filled with courage, high-hopes and their only weapon-the VOICE.
From Cajidiocan Romblon, Nitz, Precyl and Flor Rabino were raised by their parents Mr. Vicente “Toti” Rabino known as Daga and wife Rebecca Yap Rabino in their small house in Seaview, Poblacion Cajidiocan Romblon. At their very young age, they experienced struggle to save their family intact but everything turned in vain since their parents decided to separate their ways.
Verge and Maria facing the Sea of Boquete
The three of us even skipped and deprived ourselves from eating a good meal. Just one sliced pizza was divided into three and a glass of water to drink just to send money to our family who need it back home”. Popol cried.
The wheel of LIFE really works. With hardwork, prayers and focused on their craft. The SISTER’s invaded GERMANY with their expertise in singing. A European Manager tied them in a back to back concert with Allona “Filipina Recording Artist” the girl behind the song “Someone always Saying Goodbye” in Rhein Gold Halle Mainz Germany in the year 2003

With Gary Valenciano- the Philippine Mr .Pure Energy. Successful concerts in Geneva, Zurich and Oborhausen in Switzerland in 2004. An extravagant show attended by the celebrities and rich people and elites in EUROPE. Also with Rachel Alejandro in Friebourg Switzerland.
Tennis Bar Bad Homburg -the place where Tina Turner performed her numerous concerts. The sister’s charmed the audience including the Hollywood celebrity Don the DRAGON Wilson- American Champion for Kick Boxing and Movie Actor for the Movie Bloodfist, Ring of Fire and Killer Instinct and other Supermodels in EUROPE particularly the LEVI’s models.

Precyl bewitched the crowd with her series of Alanis, and Janis Joplins Songs “Mercedez Benz” and Me & My Bobby Mc Gee. Among the three sisters, Precyl has an advantage moving freely as a graceful dancer as well.
Historical, prominent and romantic places where the venue for the Rabino Sister’s Concert Tours. Celebrities, well-known people, athletes flocked in the places where our talented Cajidiocanon’s performed : Hilton Hotel in Brussels, Belgium; Maschlina Licthenstien, Switzerland; CCH Radisson Hotel in Hamburg; Palace Hotel Saint Mauritz Switzerland; Bigbell Schevinengen Holland; Yamaha Kawasaki Motorbike Show in Oetwill Am See Switzerland and other prestigious events and cities in Europe
There is no place like home. So these three CINDERELLA’s will be performing a show in Poblacion Cajidiocan Romblon for a HOMECOMING CONCERT : Tribute to our beloved’s who passed away. Halloween Party and Extravanganza hosted by the BALIKBAYAN’s of Cajidiocan in November 01, 2007. Headed by Mr. Carmelo Calsado of Italy in Cooperation with the www.cajidiocan.com the brothers’ Allan and Bobit Tuyorada of U.S.A.
May the fairytale of Nits, Popol and Precyl will serve as an inspiration to all Cajidiocanon’s. Villains will never win, as we who lives in passion, love and humility continue to serenade and dance to the SAGA of LIFE. After the sunset…there is a SUNRISE. Goodluck to all of us and may GOD continue to pour HIS rays of LIGHT wherever part of the GLOBE our Kababayans will be.

Just last year, April of 2006, Nitz carried the Philippine flag for winning 1st Runner UP in the most prestigious Talent Contest in Holland for the “MUNDIAL INTERNATIONAL COMPETETION” : the Netherlands’ version of American Idol. Nitz fantastically interpreted Shirley Bassey’s “This is My Life” and Celine Dion’s master pieces.
Inspite of the applause and red-carpet treatment they received in EUROPE. They still keep their feet on the ground and never fail to look back on where they came from. For the support of their Kababayan’s, relatives and real friends, they would never achieve the luxury of life they were experiencing right now. For Kathy Mortel who stood by them. Moral and financial support. Friendship that was tested through good and rough times. Kathy is indeed one of the reason of their dreams realization.
Aloha Puerto Galera (Model : Maria Diamond Rey)
The Country Home Interior of Uncle Rob in Boquete
The Paradise of Boqute, along the Seashore of SandBar Villa
The Tropic Island of Boquete
The relaxing pool inside the SandBar Villa
The relaxing pool inside the SandBar Villa
The fascinating White Beach of Galera
Bathe with the Sun in the Port of Galleon (model: Maria Diamond Rey)
Paparazzi shots ( Maria and friend Harry Famerro of Magdiwang, Romblon)
Beautiful SUNSET : from L to R Joman Burgos, Jill Pineda, Verge, Angela Tripp, Maria and Harry Famerro)
The Sister’s Precyl, Nitz and Popol in Hilton Hotel in Brussels 2006
With Don the Dragon Wilson in Bad Homburg
With Gary Valenciano and Company
Copyright 2007 by Robert Tuyorada & Verge Burgos