Of course SUCCESS comes in different flavors. But for us usually in Sibuyan we measure success as most people do like being able to keep more cash than we normaly do, able to buy our own house in a trendy location, driving top of the line cars, having an executive position in a goverment or corporate world you name it, majority of us can freely claim it as SUCCESS.
This is a story of Rica Galang, from Cajidiocan, a former teacher by profession, who made a brave decision leaving the profession she loved and joining the ranks of other successful individuals in a company whose mission includes improving people's live thru revolutionary products and services, providing distributors economic progress just to name a few. The company is AIM Global, sole distributor of the leading dietary supplement "ALIVE", and number one product in the Philippines today. It is a product that may lower your cholesterol, protect you from heart deasease, helps prevent cancer of any origin to name a few. In just 2 years in the company, Rica, has been chosen as one of the top distributors and thru her dedication and hard work, she was able to travel to the United States for free, courtesy of the company. This includes free round trip ticket, free hotel accomodation, shopping money, a free PACQUIA-DELA HOYA live fight at MGM, and also a 10-year VISA to the US (normally a guaranteed visa courtesy of their mother company Nature's Way, based in UTAH, USA) .
AIM Global showed her the way to be a SUCCESS. Marketing their favorite product ALIVE", a dietary supplement that contains more anti-oxidants than other leading products, and other products of quality made her achieved what was an unachievable dream years back if she did not try in this new direction. Of course changing an individual mindset is hard usually when we've been taught since chidhood to do something a certain way like getting a college education and getting a good job after. It almost goes against our nature when someone tells you there’s a fast and better way. But it's really really worth a try.
As a testimonial on Rica's success as we may call it, check the pictures of her US trip. She is inviting you to join AIM Global as a distributor of the Philippine leading brand of "Alive" and other quality products. Sign up now and be a part of something big. Your SUCCESS might just be waiting around the corner. Be our next feature guest in our AIM Global successs story. Your SUCCESS story will be an INSPIRATION to our dear KABABAYANS.
You can reach her at (text roaming) 0918 545-3101, 0927 672-9678, 0922 433-5254
E-mail: ricarlyn@yahoo.com also at bobit@cajidiocan.com
We normally like to read stories or somehow want to relate to some people success stories in life. Like in today real
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Rica Galang
world situation were news about top nations economies are in recession, layoffs, stories of homes in forclosure, and people trying to make ends meet in a day to day basis. Stories that will uplift your spirit and keeping your hopes alive and be a SUCCESS are most welcome and uplifting.
Call/text Rica Galang at cell# 0918 545-3101, 0927 672-9678, 0922 433-5254 or E-mail at www.ricarlyn@yahoo.com