Press Release
October 5, 2007
Senate Majority Floor Leader Kiko Pangilinan today condemned in the strongest terms possible the "vicious and cowardly attack" that led to the death of Coucilor Armin R. Marin of the Municipality of San Fernando, Romblon on October 3, 2007.
"The government should treat this matter with utmost urgency. It is not only shameful, but also completely intolerable in a democratic country like the Philippines for such a brazen and treacherous act to take place. It is against all human norms of decency; it should not be allowed to happen and flourish!" blurted Kiko.
Marin was leading a group of at least 150 fellow environmental activists protesting against the nickel mining exploration in Sibuyan Island when the head of the security team employed by the mining consortium Sibuyan Nickel Property Development Corp. (SNPDC), shot him in cold blood.
"In light of similar attacks carried out against journalists and political activists, the administration should exhaust all means to bring to justice the perpetrators of the crime."
"While we offer our condolences to the bereaved family of Councilor Marin, we at the same time urge the proper authorities to expedite the investigation of the case so that criminals will not get the wrong idea that they can easily get away with their crimes."